Genomic signatures of globally enhanced gene duplicate accumulation in the megadiverse higher Diptera fueling intralocus sexual conflict resolution [PeerJ]
Genomic signatures of globally enhanced gene duplicate accumulation in the megadiverse higher Diptera fueling intralocus sexual conflict resolution [PeerJ],Effect of Diosgenin in Suppressing Viability and Promoting Apoptosis of Human Prostate Cancer Cells: An Interplay with the G Protein-Coupled Oestrogen Receptor?,Significant Differences in Intestinal Bacterial Communities of Sympatric Bean Goose, Hooded Crane, and Domestic Goose,Dialdehyde modified and cationic aerogel for efficient microplastics adsorption from environmental waters - ScienceDirect,Multicomponent coupling and macrocyclization enabled by Rh(III)-catalyzed dual C–H activation: Macrocyclic oxime inhibitor of influenza H1N1 - ScienceDirect