Wetting-induced collapse of loess: Tracing microstructural evolution - ScienceDirect
Wetting-induced collapse of loess: Tracing microstructural evolution - ScienceDirect,Tunable luminescence thermal stability in YV x As 1−x O 4 :Eu 3+ through the introduction of As 5+ ions for remote temperature sensing applications - Journal of Materials Chemistry C (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D2TC03909E,Promising new drugs and therapeutic approaches for treatment of ovarian cancer—targeting the hallmarks of cancer | BMC Medicine | Full Text,Travancore, 1944-01-11 : Kingdom of Travancore : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive,Frontiers | LC_Glucose-Inhibited Division Protein Is Required for Motility, Biofilm Formation, and Stress Response in Lysobacter capsici X2-3