Transpression in the Eastern Jiangnan Orogen and its implications for ductile deformation process and regional Tectonics of the South China block - ScienceDirect
Transpression in the Eastern Jiangnan Orogen and its implications for ductile deformation process and regional Tectonics of the South China block - ScienceDirect,Transpression in the Eastern Jiangnan Orogen and its implications for ductile deformation process and regional Tectonics of the South China block - ScienceDirect,Sedimentary characteristics of Ediacaran-Cambrian drastic global climate changes in the Proto-Tethys/Panthalassic Ocean: Insights from the Hormuz Complex, southern Iran - ScienceDirect,Carbon Effects from Intra-Product International Specialization: Evidence from China’s Manufacturing Industries,The Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature and Feedstocks on the Characteristics of Biochar-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter: A Systematic Assessment